Soil Care Network Newsletter
May 2023
by Nicola Wynn, Jamie Nix, Clement Boyer, Charlotte Chivers, Michiel van de Pavert, and Anna Krzywoszynska
Soil Research
This review offers an insight into the poorly understand process of humification and highlights various structural and functional aspects of humic substances in agroecosystems
A recent meta-analysis suggests climate change shifts structure of regional communities of soil invertebrate, therefore predicting strong regional changes of detrital food webs
The journal of the French branch of the IUSS - “Études et Gestion des Sols” - published a special issue for the 20th anniversary of the GIS SOL, a seminal vast program of France’s soils inventory and monitoring. Several articles (in French) explore GIS SOL evolutions, impacts, international reach and outlooks
Soil Biodiversity needs policy without borders. In Science, Wim Van der Putten and colleagues argue that “recent advancements in understanding the distribution and functional roles of soil biodiversity” should be used to develop “policy on restoring and protecting soil health across borders”
New study shows that soil organic carbon sequestration potentials are dominated by site effects like soil texture rather than management practices, hence calling for a better account for biophysical constraints when formulating soil-related climate change mitigation policies
This article present a method for soil carbon stock assessment fusing satellite data, direct proximal sensing-based soil measurements, and machine learning - the Wageningen Soil Carbon STOck pRotocol (SoilCASTOR)
Soils were central to urban societies in pre-Columbian Mayan cities - this important series of two fantastic interdisciplinary papers illustrates how Mayan societies managed and cared for soils collectively, and proposes crucial lessons for reconnecting modern societies with soils
Soil Engagements
On the 24th April, french energy agency (ADEME) and IUSS branch (AFES) presented the “Soil Fresk” - a 3 hours-long collaborative serious game to raise awareness on soil functioning, soil threats and preservation issues. Trainings and materials are available
Podcast - Wonder of soil. Soil scientist, Dr. Yamina Pressler, reads her short essays on all things soils
Following the EUSO Stakeholder Forum, the Technical Working groups on Monitoring, reporting, Verification of Soil Organic Carbon held its first meeting on the 17/04. There are 5 other Technical working groups on soil biodiversity, soil pollution, soil data sharing and integration, soil monitoring, and soil erosion
Webinar Full Circle Approach to Soil Testing: How BeCrop Test and Haney Test go hand-in-hand. Soil testing can provide growers and farmers with valuable insights into the unique characteristics of their soil, enabling them to make data-driven decisions about soil management practices that ultimately improve crop yields and overall soil health. Complete Guide to Soil Testing in Agriculture
Biological Crop Advisor Program - Free soil biology education and community for crop advisors. 1.5 CEU units available. Sign up here
Soil Events
'Soil Time: Rest and restoration at the pace of ecological care’. Let us show you hospitality, opening a space for rest & restoration at a pace of ecological care. “The times are urgent; let us slow down."
Groundswell 2023 - The Regenerative Agriculture Show and Conference - tickets are going on sale for the event which will be held in Hertfordshire in June
The 2023 EU AgriResearch Conference on “ Knowledge, innovation and skills for sustainable horizons” will take place on the 31 May and 1st June in Brussels and will be livestreamed. This year’s edition will give participants the opportunity to engage with scientists, farmers, rural communities, industry, advisors, policymakers, citizens and NGO representatives
On the 9th May will be the launching event of the Land Transition Institute in Paris which mission is to “replace land and living soil preservation at the heart or urban and territorial issues”
Abstract Submissions Open for Annual ASA CSSA SSSA International Meeting. Symposium on Music, About, For, and From Soils. Do you sing about soils? Do you compose music that shares your enthusiasm for soils with others? Do you listen to the sounds of soils? Are you creatively exploring soil patterns by using sound? See here for the abstract regulations