Soil Care Network Newsletter
November 2020
by Michiel van de Pavert, in collaboration with Emma Lietz Bilecky, Thirze Hermans, and Anna Krzywoszynska
How to pay attention to soils so as to create caring relations? Biodynamic agriculture’s spirituality offers a way, find this fascinating study, arguing for a greater attention to the productive and creative potential of soil spirituality.
World Soil Day (December 5) - Theme: Soil Biodiversity
The world soil day (December 5) is coming up, for more information see the FAO and the UN
The GFEI will organize a webinar called Soil, land use and climate change: the role of soil organic carbon
Another reminder of Serpertine's free online event with an artistic take on the world soil day
Soil Policy
What might the US election mean for soil? Biden advisors push a new plan to slow global warming: A soil carbon bank for farmers
Soil Science
Soils across continents seem be connected as researcher find that phosphorus has travelled thousands of miles to enrich Hawaiian soils
While it remains challenging to study real soil processes, transparent soil-like substances allow researchers to have a closer look at how fungi and bacteria may interact in undisturbed soils
Soil decomposition speeds up as global temperatures rise. Researchers are now able to predict with much more certainty how many billions tons of carbon will be released from the soil with a global warming of 2°C
Bacterium Found in Soil Could Provide New Approach for Treating Alzheimer's. Researchers in South Korea have identified a natural substance called rhizolutin that may provide a basis for novel Alzheimer's disease treatments. This strain grows in the root zone of a Ginseng, which is an Asian medicinal plant
Soil and Outer Space
A short video clip about the soil of the moon and can the moon provide an alternative energy source?
Soil and Art
Two new songs about soil to engage with a broader audience – the lyrics even include ‘mycorrhizal fungi’
The "Soil Your Undies" challenge: an amusing way of drawing attention to soil health
Perhaps the biggest news item this month was this: Self-Watering Soil Could Transform Farming​